
Our Bruker Avance-III-800 is located in BRWN LB124. This is a state-of-the art spectrometer equipped with a 5mm TXI (H1, C13, N15) Z-gradient probe, four RF channels with waveform generation, H2-decoupling capability, Z-axis field gradient module, and a sample temperature control unit. The magnet is a standard-bore Bruker Ultrastabilized unit, and it is not actively shielded. It has a Linux host computer running TopSpin 2.1 (update done in February 2008). This spectrometer was delivered in late-August 2007, and its installation was completed in mid-October. It was opened for business in mid-November, 2007.

In October 2016 we upgraded our AV800 with a new QCI (1H, 2H, 31P, 13C, 15N) cryoprobe and a new Linux host computer running TopSpin 3.2. This cryoprobe is equipped with a cold 13C preamp, so this spectrometer now has the highest 13C sensitivity in our Facility, in addition to the highest 1H sensitivity. The picture shows the spectrometer with the cryoprobe equipment.

If you would like to read about and see some pictures from the 800's installation, take a look at the AV800 install diary (will open in a new window).

Nearly six years after the installation, we had to change the batteries in the 800's BMPC-II UPS unit. If you want to read about that process, click here: AV800 BMPC-II UPS battery swap (will open in a new window).

Picture credit: Steve Scherer.